The FINAL CLASS has run - please get in touch if you have missed this training
A true integration of Functional Medicine & Naturopathic Medicine. Providing a holistic framework for Naturopathic Practitioners to more confidently & effectively treat complex cases & manage chronic diseases within Australia's healthcare environment.
“An interactive functional medicine and naturopathic training to help understand complex cases. Amazing tools and resources to utilise. Such good value for money.” – Georgina Hast
I would love you to join me in this my last Vitae Mosaic Training. xx Carla
Keep Reading to Learn More...

Learn a truly holistic framework to more confidently provide better quality healthcare to patients with complex or chronic health conditions - Grow your Naturopathic practice by incorporating Functional Medicine and get better outcomes for patients and your business.
Are you:
A Practitioner working in the area of complex cases who wants a new way to manage this rewarding and dedicated client group?
A Practitioner wishing to work within complex case management, looking to build confidence and successful outcomes to grow your practice?
A Graduate or new Practitioner looking to build your practice skills outside what was taught at college or wanting to specialise in the very rewarding niche area of complex case management?
A Final Year Student looking to add to your current education to jump start yourself into confidently working in this niche area of complex cases?
Just looking to learn more, become a better Practitioner and gain more knowledge and confidence?
Now in this Vitae Mosaic 6 module online training I can teach you these things and much more....
"Fabulous new model for Naturopathic Functional Medicine - all Practitioners should do it!" - Emma Park

Hi I'm Carla Wrenn and I have been a practising Naturopath for more than 22 years.
Consulting in a variety of settings including the well known Peninsula Herbal Dispensary in Mornington, Victoria since 2009. You can read more about me and my practice here.
I attended the Institute of Functional Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia to complete Applied Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) in 2015.
Learning from some of my Functional Medicine heroes was amazing, but the best part was bringing what I learnt home and using it in my practice. Then adapting it to how we practice in Australia, which led to the creation of Vitae Mosaic.
Vitae meaning 'the course of ones life'.
Mosaic meaning 'a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces'.
Vitae Mosaic is a style of Functional Medicine that is better suited to Australian Naturopaths more advance holistic knowledge, using our naturopathic language, and tailored to our Australian style of practice and healthcare environment.
Vitae Mosaic has changed the way I practice, has given me greater confidence in my ability to help the really sick patients who have already tried many things, the complex cases, the chronically ill, autoimmune diseases, oncology, the 'unknown illnesses' and more. Read more from Julie, one of these patients, below...
My results, happy patients and appointment book speak for themselves – my practice thrives using Naturopathic Functional Medicine. Now due to popular demand you can join me from the comfort of your own home or clinic!

Why would you attend this online event?
Vitae Mosaic – Naturopathic Functional Medicine is an online event delivered over 6 modules training you in the unbiased and practical application of Functional Medicine in a Naturopathic or Nutritional clinic setting. It will provide you with new skills to boost you to the next level as a cutting edge, successful leading practitioner, with information you can use straight away, and on a daily basis, to improve the way you confidently and more thoroughly address the health and wellbeing needs of all of your patients.
Broaden your scope of treatment, accessing a whole new clientele
Deepen your understanding for treating complex cases
Gain more confidence in your treatment and the way you think and feel
Bond more closely and build more connection with new and old patients immediately
Utilise in clinic and functional testing more accurately
Develop stronger therapeutic strategies
Make more accurate treatment goals with your patient
Create stronger more focussed step by step prescription for diet, lifestyle and supplements
Access a whole new portfolio of practitioner and patient support materials
See your patients in a whole new way...
Make practicing individually or in a group practice more successful and rewarding
Set yourself up as a leading practitioner in the growth area of Functional Medicine in Australia
Feedback from Vitae Mosaic Graduating Practitioners:
“WOW! This was such an amazing seminar. The model Carla presents is applicable to clinic and every client. I learnt so much over the two days, met many new practitioners and I can’t wait to start using the Vitae Mosaic in my clinic. Carla is super friendly, professional and generous. I got more than I thought. Absolutely wonderful event.” – Karly Fisher
“This was great! !‘m going to start using these tools in my clinic immediately. I feel like it will help me make sense of very complex cases much more quickly and easily, helping my patients get better support from me. The visuals are great and I’ll be sharing them with my clients in consults as well. Thank you for your generosity in sharing so many resources and openness in sharing your knowledge and experience.” – Grace Miano
“Invaluable. Generous. Amazing. A must! Thank you, thank you.” – Kate Rowe
“Gives you a foundation for clearer and more concise case taking. Helps to give you confidence in dealing with complex cases. I bloody love your work!” – Jules Galloway
“If you need support in case taking, building understanding of patterns across complex conditions – this is your course! Plus so many resources that can be used in practice tomorrow! So generous!” – Charmaine Dennis
"I was so impressed with the Vitae Mosaic Training. Carla has designed a model to manage chronic cases that is applicable and extremely useful for clinical practice. I was blown away by the content and resources - above and beyond my expectations and amazing value for money. I highly recommend to other Practitioners - you won't be disappointed." - Emma Park
"Was great to remind me of the importance of thoroughness and a fresh way to look at cases. Thank you very much for your time Carla.” – Anonymous
“Vitae Mosaic is an inspiring, practical and innovative model of combining naturopathic healthcare with the functional medicine model that will help pioneer the future of integrative healthcare in Australia. I am inspired and blessed to have learnt Carla’s clinical pearls and specialist training to ensure I provide chronically ill patients with the best care.” – Steven Judge
“I highly recommend Carla’s Vitae Mosaic. I walked away with direction, clarity and tools with processes to help with my cases. I now feel empowered! Complex cases are no longer overwhelming and I have the confidence to help these patients. Thank you so much. This weekend has been amazing and I can not tell you how much confidence you have given me.” – Bec Farthing
“Perfect seminar to attend if you feel overwhelmed by complex cases or want another way to organise patient information to improve treatment. Thank you so much Carla.”- Amy Smith
“Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise in utilising functional medicine tools in naturopathic practice. I love my complex cases and I now feel that I have the right systems to use to demonstrate treatment plans, prescriptions and progress to my patients. I really feel that these will benefit my patients, our treatment, their participation as well as their return business. Thanks.” – Janet Haworth
“Having just started my business earlier this year, I couldn’t think of a better course to help me put my best foot forward. I’ve always loved working with tricky cases, but now I have the tools and the confidence to keep every complex patient to the very very best of my abilities. So great to be going into clinic tomorrow with a little piece of Carla’s brain!” – Bel Rowntree

The Content
What you will learn, practice and be able to immediately utilise in your clinic:
Understanding what functional medicine is
Learn why I spent $10,000 and traveled half way around the world to learn Functional Medicine
Understanding what Vitae Mosaic - Naturopathic Functional Medicine is and why it needs to be different to Functional Medicine as taught in the USA
Understand the current methods of handling complex chronic disease in conventional and CAM healthcare and why this is failing patients – Learn why/how you are the Practitioner to help
Knowing Naturopathic Functional Medicine inside out, back to front and around...
Knowing exactly why your patient is 'sick'
How to bond on a new level with your patient – trusting yourself, building rapport and gathering information easily
Gathering all the correct information from your patient – seeing what is being missed
Using the Mosaic Spectrum – clarifying how this unique systems based approach can more effectively treat illness and promote wellness
What physical assessment, diagnostic tools, in clinic and functional pathology testing you actually need to use
Functional Testing – the best ones, how to better interpret them and utilise them to monitor progress
Using a Mosaic Coda to determine and plan Lifestyle, Dietary and supplementation recommendations
Practically utilising learning cases from Carla's clinic
Interactive practical sessions with live Q&A each week
Practical at home follow ups to get step by step understanding and practice of the system
Assessment and final case presentation to ensure you graduate with confidence and a clear plan on how to start using Vitae Mosaic with your patients
Complex & Chronic Case Management as a practice speciality
Learn who are the Functional Medicine 'heroes' with great practices you may wish to follow
Learn how Vitae Mosaic changed my practice
Learn about all the support material available to you through Vitae Mosaic and our preferred resources
Plan the 'Monday Morning' steps on how you will begin using Vitae Mosaic in your clinic

Feedback from Carla's patients who have experienced the benefits of Vitae Mosaic – Naturopathic Functional Medicine:
"Carla thank you from the bottom of my heart, I know it's baby steps, but I feel so much better, before I came to see you I had hit rock bottom, no light at the end of my tunnel, I was so sick of hospitals, blood tests, Dr's, every 6 to 8 weeks, for 2 & a half years. Tablets making me sicker, all I did was lay on the lounge all day no energy, thinking back now I had given up, net flicks got a great work out! I really thought there was no way out of this, you were my last hope, and after four weeks of seeing you, I'm seeing changes every day, even in my weight, I am so grateful to you, taking time for me, and so caring, it's onwards & upwards, looking forward to the future, with your help". – Julie*
*Julie allowed me to share this gorgeous email saying "if it helps one more person, who feels like I did, then that's great".

6 Week Online Practitioner Training - TRAINING COMPLETED
PLEASE NOTE - this is the last time this training will run
This special 'Last Class' Session of Vitae Mosaic will be a mixture of 6 self-paced modules released weekly on Wednesday mornings at 8am AEDT and 3 LIVE Q&A sessions with Carla Wrenn. All sessions will be recorded so you may also choose to work through the 6 modules and Q&A recordings at your own pace with all content available until end of January 2024
Each module runs for around 1 hour with total content time being approximately 6 hours plus our live Q&A session which vary in length.
Can't start right away? It's ok, this course was designed for self paced learning to suit your schedule, if you can fit up to 10 hours of learning in before the end of January 2024 you should join to ensure you don't miss out on learning Vitae Mosaic with Carla as more than 1000 Australian and International health practitioners have since 2017.
6 hours+ of Content
Digital Notes
Digital Work Sheets
Extensive Digital Resources
3 Live Q&A Sessions
Optional practical homework to ensure you graduate with confidence
Closed VM Online Facebook Group
Ongoing VM Graduate Only Facebook Group Support
New Extensive Resources & VM Support Material
Access to Carla's 22 years Clinical Experience, ask anything in the LIVE Q&A sessions
A whole new focus or niche and a team of Practitioners to liaise with.... A way to take your practice to the next level!
$799 (incl. GST)
Anywhere you are! Your home, clinic or favourite cafe...
No flights, transport, parking, accomodation or time out of your life required, join the live events or set your own time and pace wherever you are.

In 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & now in 2023 we have worked with healthcare practitioners all around the globe and have visited many locations in VIC, SA, WA, NSW & QLD training more than 1000 Practitioners! - Now mostly online!
PLEASE NOTE - This will be the LAST Vitae Mosaic training offered.
“As a recent graduate the Vitae Mosaic Naturopathic Functional Medicine practitioner training event has given me the tools and confidence to treat complex cases. Carla presents the information in a clear and concise way and is very generous with her knowledge and resources. Great value. Thank you so much Carla.” – Amy Smith
“The perfect course for organising your thoughts and strategies for tricky cases – and build confidence that you’re covering the important stuff!” – Bel Rowntree
Boring Bits:
No refunds available
In the event of non attendance/completion by January 2024 strictly no extensions or refund will be given.