Did you get enough Summer Sun?
The wind this week seemed to rudely herald the end of Summer Days and even Autumn happiness outside! But worse than the lovely relaxed beach days that have come to the end are also the sad end of your chances to get a top up of Vitamin D. A top up that research shows will dramatically reduce your risk of getting the Flu this winter!

But how big is this problem? Well.... All my patients not taking Vitamin D supplements have low Vitamin D... thats right, a huge statement, but research shows levels above 100-125nmol/L are preventative of many chronic diseases, especially in autoimmune disease and oncology and no one in my patient group is naturally achieving these levels.
But aside from poorer prognosis in chronic disease this low Vitamin D is having a dramatic increase on your risk of getting the Flu this winter!
An article by Fx Medicine writer Sonya Reynolds examines this VITAMIN D VS THE FLU VACCINE - IS THERE A STAND-OUT WINNER? where the effectiveness of Vitamin D and the Flu Vaccine to prevent the Flu are examined and compares the benefits with astounding results.
"A 2014 Cochrane review analysed the efficacy of flu vaccinations. It incorporated a huge amount of data including clinical trials with over 70,000 people, of which 27 were comparative cohort studies (with about 8 million people) and 20 were case-control studies (of nearly 25,000 people).
A stand-out fact from this Cochrane review was that 71 people would need to be vaccinated to prevent one case of influenza. This statistic translates to a 1.4% response rate.
In contrast, a 2010 study of 334 school-aged children found that, compared to placebo, 1200IU a day of vitamin D over 4 months achieved a risk reduction of 7.8% against the flu virus. Also, like the flu vaccination, vitamin D can be used prophylactically.
The results of these two studies suggests that vitamin D may be almost 6 times more effective at preventing influenza than vaccination.Interestingly too, evidence shows that those with lower vitamin D levels in the winter months are more likely to get influenza."
For references and to read more read the article here https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/blog-post/vitamin-d-vs-flu-vaccine-there-stand-out-winner
Based on these stats, the extensive researched benefits of Vitamin D and the inexpensive cost of Vitamin D consider getting your levels checked, you can organise a Vitamin D check next time you're in clinic with me or at the GP.
For more information on safe, effective and research focussed natural ways of preventing ill health for you and your loved ones over winter be sure to ask for all our tips from my Naturopaths on the counter at Peninsula Herbal Dispensary or when we next catch up.
So Vitamin D a great cheap and cheerful effective immune support this winter... And if the sun returns this weekend be sure to get out in it, your immune system will thank you.